Call Us: 1-250-860-2721 / / 934 Bernard Avenue, V1Y 6P8
Daycare Connection
Childcare Society
Where children come to learn through play.
An intergenerational, play-based
program partnering with families to create a community
environment, supporting whole child development.

Daycare Connection Childcare Society is a small intergenerational, play and place based daycare that is governed by a parent board. There are two multiage programs that have a daily maximum of eight children. This means that the total number of children that the daycare can have each day is sixteen.
The advantage of being small is that we can focus on the daycare fitting the needs of the children and families rather than insisting the children and families fit the daycare. In addition, having a multiage program means that your child (and you) don't have to go through the normal transition from an infant toddler program to a three to five program. Your child will only age out of the program when they go to kindergarten.
We are located on the bottom floor of the David Lloyd Jones seniors care home and usually the children and teachers interact with the grandma's and grandpa's that live upstairs on a regular basis. This interaction has been temporarily delayed due to COVID but we are looking forward to being able to this again.