Call Us: 1-250-860-2721 / / 934 Bernard Avenue, V1Y 6P8
Daycare Connection
Childcare Society
We are an intergenerational daycare which focuses on learning through child-led play.
Daycare Connection Childcare Society’s Board and Educators believe:
1) That all children and families are unique and deserve to be treated in a
respectful manner that honours and celebrates a family’s diversity and cultural background. In doing so the educators, director and board will maintain an open communication relationship with all families that will act as both a partnership with parents/guardians and a resource when needed.
2) That choosing an early childhood setting is an important, and hard decision, for families to make. In trusting Daycare Connection they have the right to an early childhood environment that is physically safe, promotes health on all levels and offers a nurturing environment that supports all areas of a child’s development.
3) That children learn best through play and each program offers opportunities that challenge and motivate children through hands-on activities while also promoting learning in both guided and self-directed play. This provides learning moments that enhance a child’s ability to problem solve and their ability to positively participate in constructive cooperation with the other children.
4) Families have a right to take an active part in their child’s daycare experience
and by having an open door policy DCCS encourages families to participate in the program in whatever way they are most comfortable with.
5) That the Director and the employees must always demonstrate a high standard of
professionalism and strive to stay up to date on new, or changes to, all relevant legislation and early childhood pedagogy.
In The
NOTE: Both centres are PEANUT and TREENUT aware centre.
There are no other restrictions in effect at this time.